At this time of the year, it's quite usual for companies to make lists with the best-selling video games, the most played ones, and many other categories. In most cases, the games at the top of those lists are AAA titles, but there are also many titles created by small independent studios that have managed to catch the attention of many players despite being created with a much smaller budget. Nintendo has gone into detail about the indie games on its console and has published a video with the best Nintendo Switch games in this category.
The list includes some indie titles that have extended their fame to other platforms, and you can find titles like Eastward, Curse of the Dead Gods, or Subnautica and its sequel Subnautica: Below Zero. There are also some that have taken advantage of the popularity of their predecessors to reach the top positions, becoming a hit as soon as they launched, like Spelunky 2 or Axiom Verge 2. There are games from all genres on the list, but it is not surprising that we can find a good number of platformers and metroidvania games. The majority of them are games that take advantage of the hybrid capabilities of Nintendo Switch, and they are comfortably played on its handheld mode, which has contributed a lot to their success. In fact, there are many players that prefer Nintendo Switch as their platform of choices to play small indie games.
It's great that even small studios can succeed in making games appealing to a huge player base, even on consoles. The unique capabilities of Nintendo's console make it a perfect option for certain games, and it will probably continue to be a fan favorite to play indie games in the future. As usual, you can visit our comparator anytime to find the best game deals and buy games like Cyber Shadow, Unpacking, or Tetris Effect: Connected cheap.