Spelunky 2 has all the features needed to become a worthy successor of the famous indie platform game that Derek Yu launched in 2008. Although innovating in a genre that has so many years is quite complicated, Spelunky 2 has not needed to add a lot of flashy novelties to gather the attention of the fans of the series, but also of newcomers that never gave a try to Spelunky. With much better graphics, improved liquid physics, mounts, and the endless possibilities that a randomized underground world that changes every game offer to the players, exploring the Moon as a new generation of speleologists and treasure hunters in Spelunky 2 is more fun than ever. But not everything is as awesome as it should be in Mossmouth's latest game.
One of the major features of Spelunky 2 is its multiplayer, which allows you to share your adventures with other friends and leaves the door open to quite a different type of gameplay in cooperative and competitive modes. Sadly enough, multiplayer is not included in the PC version of Spelunky 2 yet. Right now, only PlayStation 4 players can take part in multiplayer games. But the real problem is that the gameplay feels a bit clunky in both of its modes. Therefore, developer Mossmouth has been working to fix that problem and add multiplayer to the PC version of their platformer, but it's something that requires quite a bit of testing because all changes have an effect on both versions of the game.
"In the end, all of this work is going toward the same place, because Spelunky 2 is a game where the different modes and systems are all very interconnected. So rest assured that anything we're doing, whether it's for PS4 or Steam, single-player or multiplayer, local or online, will improve some aspect of the game that you're interested in!"
Mossmouth explained that two of the three planned "major improvements" for the game are already finished, but they need a bit more time for testing them and confirmed that they could be ready by early December.