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    XCOM 2 is the latest installment of a saga that started with UFO: Enemy Unknown back in 1994 and that has become one of the most important turn-based strategy series of all times. In XCOM series we usually are in command of an organization that has to fight to defend Earth against an alien invasion, but this time the things have changed. XCOM 2 story takes place 20 years after events in the previous title, XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The council of nations that was supporting the planet defense surrendered to the aliens betraying XCOM and forcing its members to go into hiding. Long time have passed and now aliens rule the planet with the help of ADVENT Administration, a puppet company created to raise the popularity of the aliens and crush any attempts of opposition to their government. But the time to strike back and reveal alien’s hidden agenda has come. As the commander of the resistance forces you will be in charge of gather whatever is left from XCOM and reform it into an organization capable of destroying the alien threat. XCOM 2 gameplay looks very similar to the previous titles at first glance. You manage your command center, recruit soldiers and send them into missions against the enemy. But there is much more than that. First of all you are an illegal organization now. Countries won’t support you openly and you will have to contact with the resistance forces all over the world in search of allies in your war against the aliens. This is reflected in the gameplay. Your command center is going to be the Avenger, a stolen alien aircraft that you will use as mobile HQ, research and training center for your troops. As usual you will be able to upgrade your command center, recruit more soldiers, train them, research alien technology to improve their equipment and weaponry, and all the options included in previous titles. Managing your scarce resources and successfully fend off the attempts of ADVENT of eliminating you is not going to be an easy task. The level of customization of the soldiers has been greatly improved, and their classes have been completely redesigned, with each soldier having its own skill tree and abilities. Grenade launchers and explosives, deadly melee weapons or drones able to hack electronic devices will now be important part of your arsenal. The gameplay and procedural-generation of the mission maps will be influenced by the world’s state. XCOM 2 gameplay reflects that you are now a cast off military rebel organization, forcing you to engage the enemy with guerrilla tactics, with the mission types reflecting those changes. You will be able to play making use of stealth, being able to set up ambushes. Also enemies will be able to deploy reinforcements during the missions making things harder for you. New gameplay options like much more destructible scenarios or being able to carry the bodies of injured comrades to extraction points add a new layer of complexity to the game. As time passes in the campaign, you will be the target of Dark Events, counter-operations from ADVENT that will attempt to thwart your efforts and that will encourage you to change your plans and respond to them. The game supports mods and includes a one-VS-one multiplayer mode. Players will also be able to create campaign, class and enemy types and share them with other players. XCOM 2 is definitely becoming one of the most important titles of the saga, introducing exciting changes to its already solid gameplay. It is a strategy title you can’t miss whether you are a fan of the series or not.

    Best deals for XCOM 2

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    (*) The best price is currently $1.11. We discovered this product available from 28 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Steam, Epic Games, Xbox Live, GOG Galaxy, Sony PSN & Nintendo eShop on 5 platforms - PC, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 8 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 162 digital offers. and 15 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 58 comments already shared.

    Comments on XCOM 2

    Feb 6, 2016, 5:00 PM on
    Je ne connais pas vraiment l'univers XCOM mais je dois dire que cet opus m’intéresse énormément ! D'abord car on a enfin droit à un jeu tour par tour de qualité (autant graphique que sonore et gameplay), puis, avoir la possibilité de former et personnaliser une équipe durant toute la durée du jeu, rajoute une part d'attachement qu'il est rare de trouver dans les jeux aujourd'hui. Bref, j'aimerais vraiment pouvoir tester, et sans doute adopter ce jeu :)
    I don't really know the XCOM universe but I have to say that this opus interests me a lot! First of all, because we finally have a turn-based game of quality (as much graphic as sound and gameplay), then, having the possibility to form and customize a team during the whole game, adds a part of attachment that is rare to find in games today. In short, I would really like to test, and probably adopt this game :)
    Feb 5, 2016, 6:22 PM on
    Honnêtement je n'ai découvert cette licence que depuis 1 semaine maximum, et je suis totalement tombé amoureux du gameplay et de l'univers !
    Honestly I discovered this license only 1 week ago, and I totally fell in love with the gameplay and the universe!
    Feb 5, 2016, 6:12 PM on
    Botter du cul d'aliens bien évidament ! contrôler des Méchas DES funckin MECHAS Brodel je pense que c'est la meilleure des raisons de vouloir ce jeu !
    Kicking aliens ass of course! Controlling mechas Brodel funckin MECHAS I think that's the best reason to want this game!
    Feb 5, 2016, 12:12 PM on
    Grand fan du tout premier opus, j'avais dévoré Xcom enemy unknown et j'avais hâte qu'une suite soit faite. Quand je vois les tests de Xcom2 je n'ai qu'une envie c'est d'y jouer ^^
    Big fan of the very first opus, I had devoured Xcom enemy unknown and I could not wait for a sequel to be made. When I see the reviews of Xcom2 I just want to play it ^^
    Feb 4, 2016, 6:35 PM on
    Bah.. j'ai déjà précommandé le jeu ! Je l'avais préco pour novembre en fait (date de sortie précédente ;) ). je suis un fan de la série depuis xcom : apocalypse. J'ai beaucoup aimé le premier "reboot", notamment avec les add-ons (comme enemy within). il me tarde de tester cette version en mode "résistance" !!
    Well, I already pre-ordered the game! I had pre-ordered it for november in fact (previous release date ;) ). I'm a fan of the series since xcom: apocalypse. I really liked the first "reboot", especially with the add-ons (like enemy within). i can't wait to try this version in "resistance" mode!
    Feb 4, 2016, 2:46 PM on
    J'ai joué au premier et de suite étais intéressé par le concept de jouer ces défenseurs de la terre, avec peu de moyen mais un grand potentiel d'évolution et le coté un peu rogue like vraiment cool, en bref fan du premier, j'attendais vraiment de voir ce que proposerai firaxis pour la suite, je trouve pas mal de nouvelle feature intriguante et l'acquisition récente d'un nouveau pc me donne envie de jouer a des jeux qui pourrait faire rugir la bête see you soon on xcom 2 j'espere.
    I played the first one and was immediately interested in the concept of playing these defenders of the earth, with little means but a great potential of evolution and the side a little rogue like really cool, in short fan of the first one, I really waited to see what will propose firaxis for the continuation, I find quite a lot of new feature intriguing and the recent acquisition of a new PC gives me desire to play games which could make roar the beast see you soon on xcom 2 I hope.
    Feb 4, 2016, 10:35 AM on
    Ayant fumé le premier Xcom, qui était génial, j'attend avec impatience ce nouvel opus ! Surtout depuis que j'ai vu quelques passages sur le stream de CohnCarnage, les nouveaux ajouts ont l'air de rendre le jeu encore plus excitant ! Tous contre les aliens ! ;-)
    Having smoked the first Xcom, which was awesome, I'm looking forward to this new installment! Especially since I've seen some parts on CohnCarnage's stream, the new additions seem to make the game even more exciting! All against the aliens ;-)
    Michael Branco
    Feb 3, 2016, 9:12 PM on
    Bonjour, tout d'abord merci à DLcompare de nous répertorier toute ces offres de jeu, je ne pourrais pas me procurer autant de jeux sans cela et je ne pense pas être le seul dans ce cas. Pour le concours j'avoue que je n'ai pas eu besoin de beaucoup réfléchir tellement j'ai adorer et torché "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" et "XCOM: Enemy Within", j'espère et je pense que ce XCOM 2 sera à la hauteur de ses prédécesseurs et ça annonce encore un paquet d'heure à joué et à ce faire engueuler par ma femme :D
    Hello, first of all thank you to DLcompare to list all these game offers, I could not get so many games without it and I do not think to be the only one in this case. For the contest I admit that I didn't need to think much about it because I loved "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" and "XCOM: Enemy Within", I hope and I think that this XCOM 2 will be at the height of its predecessors and it announces a lot of hours to play and to be yelled by my wife :D
    Feb 3, 2016, 6:43 PM on
    Hello!!! J'ai découvert la série Xcom avec Xcom enemie unknown et j'ai adoré malgré la difficulté du jeu. J'attendais la suite avec impatience. Je serais donc ravis même heureux que le hasard soit de mon côté pour pouvoir encore passer de bon moment avec ce jeu, qui me semble de premier abord pas mal. merci :-)
    Hello!!! I discovered the Xcom series with Xcom enemie unknown and I loved it despite the difficulty of the game. I was waiting for the sequel with impatience. I would be delighted even happy that the chance is on my side to still spend a good time with this game, which seems to me at first glance not bad. thanks :-)
    Feb 3, 2016, 9:21 AM on
    Je suis un grand fan de jeux de stratégie en tour par tout, un grand fan de science fiction et surtout un grand fan de xcom ! J'ai retourné enemy unknown et enemy within dès le premier jour et je compte bien faire la même chose avec celui la. J'ai hâte de faire reprendre du service a mes collègues et amis pour défendre la terre une nouvelle fois ! Avec le nouveau système de personnalisation je vais passé encore plus de temps à faire mes équipes je sens ! Merci à l'équipe de DLcompare.
    I'm a big fan of turn-based strategy games, a big fan of science fiction and especially a big fan of xcom! I turned over enemy unknown and enemy within on day one and I plan to do the same with this one. I can't wait to get my friends and colleagues back into action to defend the earth again! With the new customization system I will spend even more time making my teams I feel! Thanks to the DLcompare team.
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : XCOM 2
    • Categories : Strategy
    • Editor : 2K
    • Developer : Firaxis Games
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
    • Release date : February 4, 2016
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : Windows® 7, 64-bit
      • CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom 9950 Quad Core
      • RAM : 4 GB RAM
      • GPU : 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5770, 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or better
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18
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