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New Starfield video reveals game mechanics

New Starfield video reveals game mechanics

Bethesda Softworks is still immersed in the development of Starfield which promises to be its next big sci-fi franchise. Its announcement has created a lot of expectations among the players but it has also raised many questions. To try and answer some of those, the studio has published a new video where game director Todd Howard focuses on detailing how several game mechanics will work.



Although Starfield is a sci-fi game, the developers want it to make sense scientifically speaking but they are forced to make some concessions for gameplay reasons. The game would be a mess if your spaceship could run out of fuel and leave you stranded in the middle of space, for example. Instead of that, they have limited the distance you can travel in one go, which seems to be a nice middle-term solution. 

Todd Howard also talks about character customization. Each of your characters will have a variety of traits that come with positive and negative effects, but it will be possible to remove some negative traits by completing some quests in the game. Such a system would prevent players from restarting the game if they don't feel like playing with a certain character.

In the last part of the video, the developer provides some insight into how big the game is, especially regarding dialogs. While Skyrim had 60,000 lines of dialogue and Fallout 4 over 111,000, Starfield surpasses the 250,000 lines becoming a huge experience.

You can expect to see more videos like this as Bethesda will reveal more things about Starfield in the coming months. The release of this new adventure is scheduled for the first half of 2023, although no accurate date has been provided so far. As usual, you can find the best prices to buy your Starfield CD key on our comparator, no matter if you want to play the game on PC or consoles.

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