Buy Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning at the Best Price

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    [See also : DLC The Legend of Dead Kel and DLC Teeth Of Naros]

    You will start by choosing your class between the classic heroic fantasy trio: mage, warrior or thief. Your next customization will be the choice of your races, between 4 possibilities: Almain nobles, mercenaries Varani, Elves of light or shadow. Your final decision is to define your affinity with one of the five elements (Air, Earth, Wisdom, Justice, and Order). The story takes place in a dark fantasy world called Amalur, a world ravaged by the wars between the Tuatha Deohn and other deadly species. You'll start the story mode dead, but a mysterious gnome will resurrect you. However, you don't remember anything of your past, and you will have to remember it pieces by pieces to discover your destiny. With a dynamic system of real-time battles, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is full of surprises waiting for you.

    Best deals for KoA Reckoning

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    Use your activation code to download the game from EA App.

    Use your PS3 your game game code on the Playstation Network

    Use your Xbox 360 game code on the Xbox Live EU.


    (*) The best price is currently $1.78. We discovered this product available from 10 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: EA app, Xbox Live, Sony PSN & Steam on 3 platforms - PC, PS3 & Xbox360. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 16 digital offers. and 2 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 10 comments already shared.

    Comments on Kingdoms of Amalur : Reckoning

    Winter NighT
    May 10, 2012, 3:50 PM on
    Jeu acheté sur CdKeysHere! clef reçu à la seconde ou j'ai payé ! le tout en version multilangues. 2eme jeux que j'achète sur ce site et pas de soucis ! Merci DLCompare et CdKeysHere ps : Et un petit merci à Bob le Gob de la millenium team qui m'a fait découvrir ce site.
    Game bought on CdKeysHere! key received the second I paid! all in multilanguage version. 2nd game I bought on this site and no worries! Thanks DLCompare and CdKeysHere ps: And a little thank you to Bob le Gob from the millenium team who made me discover this site.
    Feb 28, 2012, 11:20 AM on
    Je suis passé par CDkeyhouse, tout s'est bien passé, réactivité excellente (key reçue instantanément après la confirmation de l'adresse mail) Merci aussi à BoBleGob grâce à qui je suis arrivé ici!
    I went through CDkeyhouse, everything went well, excellent reactivity (key received instantly after confirmation of the email address) Thanks also to BoBleGob who helped me to get here!
    Feb 13, 2012, 10:35 AM on
    J'ai trouvé la solution, ils m'ont inversé les numéro sur le mail, ah quelle casse tête que cédais mais sa en valais la peine, pour le prix. SPLENDIDE
    I found the solution, they reversed the numbers on the email, ah what a headache that was but it was worth it, for the price. SPLENDID
    Feb 12, 2012, 6:45 PM on
    Enfin je viens de recevoir la clé, j'ai attendu un peu longtemps, mais ça valait le coup pour le prix (et encore un heureux).
    Finally I just received the key, I waited a little long, but it was worth it for the price (and another happy one).
    Feb 8, 2012, 8:30 AM on
    Reckoning acheté sur CdKeysHere, clé reçue directement après le paiement. Bonne surprise non mentionnée sur votre site (dans ce sens là on est toujours content), en plus de la clé cd du jeu, une clé bonus pour le DLC "Choix des Destinés" ! Bref, je conseille à tous de passer par ce site (même si ce n'est pas le moins cher pour quelques petits euros), je ne sais pas si CDkeysdirect qui est un peu moins cher offre également le DLC. Bonne journée !
    Reckoning bought on CdKeysHere, key received directly after the payment. Good surprise not mentioned on your site (in this sense we are always happy), in addition to the cd key of the game, a bonus key for the DLC "Choice of Destinies" ! In short, I advise everyone to go through this site (even if it is not the cheapest for a few small euros), I do not know if CDkeysdirect which is a little cheaper also offers the DLC. Have a nice day !
    Feb 7, 2012, 6:06 PM on
    Jeux en francais ou pas alors ? car j'aimerais l'acheter mais si je peut jouer que en anglais sa m'interesse pas
    I would like to buy it but if I can only play in English I'm not interested
    Feb 5, 2012, 9:20 PM on
    <blockquote><a href="#comment1036"> wrote:</a> Salutations Fatalricard, Le prix du jeu peut évoluer, cela dépend de la demande. Le jeu est bien vendu sur steam mais ouch 49,99€... Tu le trouves via nos partenaires à presque 50% de réduction, malheureusement via Origin c'est vrai, mais n'oublies pas qu'Origin sera tôt ou tard incontournable car EA va de plus en plus souvent boycotter Steam!</blockquote> C'est vrai, et puis une plate forme de plus ou de moins sur mon pc ne changera pas grand chose tant que les prix sont attractifs!
    <blockquote><a href="#comment1036"> wrote:</a> Greetings Fatalricard, The price of the game can change, it depends on the demand. The game is well sold on steam but ouch 49,99€... You can find it via our partners at almost 50% off, unfortunately via Origin, but do not forget that Origin will sooner or later be unavoidable because EA will increasingly boycott Steam! </blockquote> That's true, and then a platform more or less on my PC will not change much as long as the prices are attractive!
    Feb 5, 2012, 6:50 PM on
    Totalement daccord avec mon voisin du dessus :) je vient de me prendre fifa 12 aujourd"hui sur g2play 17€ et le jeux marche impec j'attend toujour de voir si amalur sera en vf ou pas pour le prendre aussi merci a Dlcompare pour votre service ;)
    Totally agree with my neighbor above :) I just took fifa 12 today on g2play 17€ and the game works perfectly I'm still waiting to see if amalur will be in vf or not to take it too thanks to Dlcompare for your service ;)
    Feb 4, 2012, 9:52 PM on
    Est-ce que le jeu risque d'augmenter après la date de sortie ou pas? Car je serai bien tenté par une précommande mais je veux pas passer à origin. Mais si Ea veut tester ses ventes avec origin pourquoi peut l'acheter sur steam?
    Is the game likely to go up after the release date or not? Because I would be tempted to pre-order but I don't want to switch to origin. But if Ea wants to test its sales with origin why can buy it on steam?
    Jan 28, 2012, 10:02 PM on
    J'ai déjà fait ma pre-order avec cdkeyhouse, avec le bonus :)
    I already made my pre-order with cdkeyhouse, with the bonus :)

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    • Technical information

    • Official website : KoA Reckoning
    • Categories : Action, Role-Playing
    • Editor : 38 Studios
    • Developer : Big Huge Games
    • Mode(s) : Solo
    • Release date : February 7, 2012
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : XP / Vista / 7
      • CPU : Core 2 duo 2.2 Ghz / Athlon 64 X2 5000+
      • RAM : 1 GB XP (2 GB Vista, 7)
      • GPU : GeForce 8800 GT/ Radeon HD3650
      • Storage : 11 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18
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