It's been a long wait for all World of Warcraft players but they will be able to continue discovering the story in Shadowlands very soon. The expansion was released months ago and the vast majority of players have already explored every corner of the Shadowlands and thwarted the plans of Sire Denatrius after defeating him and his servants in Castle Nathria. After months of repeating world quests and mythic dungeons, World of Warcraft players are dying to discover what's next in the plans of the Jailer as he tries to become free from the Maw and gain control over the Shadowlands. Fortunately, Burning Crusade Classic has been a refuge for many of those players, but the arrival of Update 9.1 will probably change everything, bringing quite a few players back to the main game.
Blizzard confirmed yesterday that Update 9.1 for World of Warcraft is finally coming this month. June 29 is the chosen date, and even though the following months usually register a lower number of players due to summer vacations, we are sure that there will be quite a few that will make an effort to log into the game to discover the new content.
Update 9.1 will bring a new raid, Sanctum of Domination, where players will have to defeat new bosses inside Torghast to reach the final fight against Sylvanas Windrunner. The update will also bring new quests and rewards, and the maximum item level available will be raised too. A new world boss, a new affix for mythic dungeons, a new PvP season, and new covenant campaigns and levels will be available too. Finally, it will be possible to fly in Shadowlands after the patch is released too, making it all a bit less time-consuming.
If you are one of those that have put Shadowlands on hold until new content is released, you should mark June 29 in your calendar and be ready to update the game ahead of the date to be ready for all the new things coming with the patch. If you are still playing, you have barely a couple of weeks to prepare.