Payday 3 didn't start its journey in a very good state but Starbreeze Studios is slowly getting the game where it should have been at launch. After several patches, many bugs have been fixed and several aspects of gameplay have been improved. All these changes get the game much closer to being the sequel that the fans of Payday 2 were waiting for. The developer studio is not done yet and continues to release updates for Payday 3.
The latest free update for Payday 3 includes plenty of changes and additions that significantly improve the game. First of all, you can now attempt two new heists, Cook-Off and Turbid Station, which offer a new take on two challenging heists that you could complete in Payday 2. Be ready for some surprises even if you mastered them in the past. Also, Update 1.0.2 improves the animations for many player actions and adds a lobby chat for the PC version of the game.
Payday 3 players can also unlock a new skill line, Transporter, which will allow them to carry up to two bags and move faster while encumbered. The patch also overhauls the Infamy system and allows you to gain points by completing heists with a bonus if you don't trigger alarms or steal all the bags. Now, after reaching the maximum infamy level, your points will increase your Renown score and grant you additional rewards including money, consumable weapon stickers and mask patterns.
Payday 3 will continue to grow in the future with the release of its first DLC this month. If you are yet to begin your career as a criminal, our comparator can provide you with a cheap Payday 3 CD key for PC, Xbox Series, and PlayStation.