It's well known that the protagonist of Assassin's Creed Valhalla is Eivor, and that you can play as a male or female version and swap between them at any moment during the game. Ubisoft left that quite clear when the new installment in the Assassin's Creed series was announced for the first time a few months ago. We also have had the opportunity of watching the male version of the protagonist in all the footage released so far about the game, but nobody could put a face to the female Eivor until the contents of Assassin's Creed Vallalla Collector's Edition were announced, since they include a figurine representing her. But it seems that Ubisoft has decided to fix that and they have published a new version of the original Assassin's Creed Valhalla reveal video, this time starred by a female Eivor.
The video is announced as the Official Soundtrack Cinematic Trailer of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but all those that watched the original reveal video know that it's exactly the same. Many people are wondering about the reasons for Ubisoft to publish it in this way. The French developer has been in the spotlight recently after multiple allegations of sexual assault and harassment were made against a number of Ubisoft employees. It's not like they are forced to show the female version of the protagonist, but not doing it really makes no sense after announcing it as a relevant feature of the game.
No matter if you choose to play as a male or as a female, or if you want to change at any moment during your game, Assassin's Creed Valhalla offers you everything needed for an epic experience that will let you experience the life of a Viking raider at the end of the 9th Century when they invaded Britain. Expect lots of action, a thrilling story, and plenty of new gameplay mechanics in an epic adventure that will start in November 2020.