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Cyberpunk 2077 beta invites are fake

Cyberpunk 2077 beta invites are fake

It's not that scam and phishing attempts are uncommon nowadays. Everyone that has an email address receives plenty of these through the year and if you are not careful you can end having serious financial issues or even worse. In the case of video gamers, scams are not unheard of, especially on MMORPGs and other types of videogames that allow interaction between players. It seems that some people are taking scamming and phishin up a notch, and now they even come up with fake beta invitations in order to gather personal data from players. That's exactly what has happened with Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red has issued a warning to all players that have received any kind of invitation to a Cyberpunk 2077 beta via email. It seems that many players have been complaining about receiving those, and the developer has been quite fast to deny their authenticity. They have brought up this matter on the official Twitter account of the game to make sure nobody opens those emails and also specifying that if they are to contact any player for any reason via email it will come from a address.


1/2 If you recently received an email claiming to be granting you beta access to Cyberpunk 2077, it's not from us. Unfortunately, there have been more of these being sent out over the past few weeks. When we contact you via email, it'll always come from @ cdprojektred com address

— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) July 30, 2020


Anyone that has been following Cyberpunk 2077 and waiting for its launch for a while already will probably know that CD Projekt Red announced that they had no plans for a beta. Anyway, just make sure to delete those emails or, if you are absolutely desperate to play the game, make sure you check with Cyberpunk 2077 developer before you click anywhere. Otherwise, you are bound to have serious problems one way or another.

November 19 is not that far, and the release of Cyberpunk 2077 PC will arrive with it. Make sure that you visit our comparator to find it at the best price anytime.



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