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Buy Fallout 2 at the Best Price

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    The Fallout series is one of the most acclaimed RPG series of all time. Set in the bleak future where nuclear war has destroyed just about everything, you'll find yourself traversing an open world in the hopes of making a better life. Now, play as one of the defining games in the series via Fallout 2. This sequel to the hit RPG brought new meaning to the open world RPG genre, by tying its deep gameplay into a powerful narrative of just how far humanity will go to not only survive, but to obtain power. In this title, you'll be a part of a small village called Arroyo, it's been nearly 100 years since the world "ended" and surviving is very hard to do. When your village is hit with the worst drought in years, you're called upon to save them by finding Garden of Eden Creation Kit, which is said to be able to bring life from even the harshest of environments. You are chosen because you are the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller who survived the end of the world and helped make the village. It is your "destiny" to save them. But Fallout 2 will prove this is not an easy take. For the vast post-apocalyptic world you now reside in is filled with dangers both seen and unseen. You'll have to avoid radiation that will kill you fast. Monsters and mutants that have thrived in this desolate world, and worst of all, you'll have to contend with humanity itself. Make yourself into what you need to be to survive, then save your village, and the world, only in Fallout 2.

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    Best deals for Fallout 2

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    CD key to use on the GOG GALAXY client to download your game.


    (*) The best price is currently $1.95. We discovered this product available from 16 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & GOG Galaxy on PC. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 20 digital offers.

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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Fallout 2
    • Categories : Role-Playing
    • Editor : Bethesda Softworks
    • Developer : Black Isle Studios
    • Mode(s) : Solo
    • Release date : August 19, 2009
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : Win XP / Vista / 7 / 8
      • CPU : Pentium 4 / Ahtlon XP
      • RAM : 512 MB
      • GPU : Geforce 6100 / Radeon X1200
      • Storage : 750 MB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 16
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