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Vampire Survivors’ The Tiny One update includes bridge of doom

Vampire Survivors’ The Tiny One update includes bridge of doom

Vampire Survivors is a game that keeps on giving. Having left early access back in early October, the addictive runaway hit has introduced another update that developer Poncle has dubbed the “Tiny” one. Despite the name, version 1.1 adds a new stage, a new secret character, and a new power-up.



Bridge of Death

The newest stage is called The Tiny Bridge, and as its name suggests, sticks your vampire survivors on a bridge that’s narrower than the fan-favorite Library stage. To access the Bridge, you must first get to Level 80 at the Inverse Gallo Tower. The description for the stage reads: “Two bloodthirsty factions battle atop a bridge, and our heroes find themselves caught in the middle.” The stage has plenty of choke points, which are both good and bad. Tactics applied in the Library will also find plenty of use on the Tiny Bridge. Other than that, it’s a desperate fight for survival on a very narrow path. 

You also get a new character called Scorej-Oni, a Japanese Ogre with the power of lightning. Every eight levels, he gets a Lightning Ring. 

The Seal Power-up is the third feature, allowing you to banish certain items from your level-up choices to ensure you get preferred drops. According to the description: 

“When Sealing a weapon, it will be automatically added to the list of banished weapons at the start of a run. When Sealing an item, the item will not be removed from the loot table, but will turn into a Gold Coin instead, which means this does not affect standard drop rates.”

Finally, you get two new achievements, which you should play the game in order to discover. 

Vampire Survivors is an addictive bullet hell game with more than a passing resemblance to Castlevania. Go to our price comparator now for a Vampire Survivors PC code at the best price available.  


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