The Artist is the new murderer in Dead by Daylight

The Artist is the new murderer in Dead by Daylight

One of the most appealing features of Dead by Daylight is the possibility of taking the role of a huge variety of murderers. Most of them are iconic figures from cult horror films and books. Getting into the shoes of characters like Mike Myers from Halloween, Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street is a bonus for those films' fans, and their number is quite huge. At the same time, trying to escape from your favorite killer is always more exciting than having to face an unknown one. 

Dead By Daylight features several murderers in the base game, but developer Behaviour Interactive has also released quite a few DLCs that add more scenarios and killers. The latest one occupies us today, and it's already available. Portrait of a Murder is the name of the new chapter in Dead by Daylight, and you can watch its announcement trailer below.


What's in Portrait of a Murder?

Portrait of a Murder is a new expansion for Dead by Daylight that introduces a new killer, The Artist, and a new map set in an old and abandoned graveyard. Dave Richard, Creative Director of Dead by Daylight, explains why you should be scared of this new killer:


"Birds have borne a very powerful sense of fear and fascination throughout the history of horror, so The Artist is for us a love letter to the genre. Portrait of a Murder very effectively spurs in Survivors' minds the distress of being prey to a flock of crows that could peck their flesh away at any instant."


Portrait of a Murder DLC ialso includes a new survivor, Jonah Vasquez, who is a CIA agent specialized in breaking codes.

As a reminder, you can grab Dead by Daylight for free on Epic Games Store from tomorrow, but if you miss this opportunity or you want to play the game on other platforms, feel free to visit our comparator to find the best price for Dead by Daylight anytime.

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