New World has a test server and big changes are coming

New World has a test server and big changes are coming

Amazon Games is far from sitting idle and continues putting effort into making New World a better game. The developer has addressed the problems with server population and queues by implementing the transfer system and blocking character creation on full servers, but it's also focused on creating additional content for the game. A New World Public Test Realm has been launched, and it's open to all players that want to try the features that will be implemented in the game in the future. 

This kind of server is quite popular in other MMORPGs as it allows players to prepare for upcoming changes. New World Public Test Realm is limited right now, as it's only available to players from Central Europe and US East. Any player from those regions is able to request access to the PRT via Steam to test the new features. Of course, the whole point of the server is to allow the developers to receive feedback about those changes from the player community. Therefore, all your progress while playing on the PTR will be wiped once the test period is complete.



New features in the New World Public Test Realm

The first thing that you will be willing to try in the PTR is a new weapon: the Void Gauntlet. It's a magic weapon based on Intelligence and Focus stats that can be used to damage and debuff enemies at close range and heal and buff allies. You can test it while you try to complete new missions that will pit you against new types of enemies, including Varangian Raiders from the north. The variety of old enemy types has also been increased. 



Those who love questing will enjoy the main storyline with new types of quests that will require you to do other things than looting items from chests or killing a certain number of enemies. Players who prefer to play with PvP mode on won't have to go back to the settlement to request missions again if they die, as they will be reset instead of forfeited. Three new types of PvP missions are available too. 

There's one final feature available in the New World Public Test Realm that the community has requested since day one. All Trading Posts are linked, and you can buy from any settlement without having to travel. You still need to pay the appropriate fees.

If you are already playing New World, you may want to try those features already by yourself. If you are not, feel free to visit our comparator to find the best prices and buy New World cheap.

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