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Guild Wars 2: Season 4 Episode 6 is coming out next week

Guild Wars 2: Season 4 Episode 6 is coming out next week

War Eternal is the episode to end all episodes.

ArenaNet is launching the final episode of Guild Wars 2 – Living World Season 4 titled War Eternal this Tuesday, May 14th. Developers have high hopes for this ending and have said that it´s the episode that will "change Tyria forever."

Episode 6: War Eternal will follow the final events from Episode 5 where players were sent after the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik in what seemed like the last attempt to gain victory. You suffered an unexpected death during that encounter. Feeling all angered, you are now seeking vengeance for your downfall and set on a quest to defeat the monstrous Elder Dragon.

What’s new in Guild Wars 2: Season 4 Episode 6?

For this epic finale, an additional map and a storyline have been added. Those will unfold the secrets behind the dragon’s existence. Other several new contents include the legendary Exordium sword, a mythical weapon that can change into various forms depending on the type of attack and the skill the player uses. There’s also the new flying mount called Skyscale, a dragon that players can ride and use to climb walls and scorch enemies. Players can also get the upgradeable Mist Shard armor set. Since War Eternal is part of Guild Wards 2: Path of Fire expansion pack, it will come for free for Path of Fire owners but if you are one of those that haven´t experienced the thrill of adventuring in Tyria, you can visit our comparator to find the best price anytime. Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think.



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