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Dragon Age: The Veilguard shows its high-level combat mechanics

Dragon Age: The Veilguard shows its high-level combat mechanics

So far, BioWare revealed many details about Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but one of the main features of the game is still unknown. Combat can make or break an exciting RPG adventure as it's a fundamental part of such type of game. With plenty of darkspawns to fight against and powerful bosses that will pose a huge threat to your group of adventurers, you need to have the means to defeat them and progress in the game. Regarding this matter, Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be significantly different from previous installments in the series.

A new and thrilling combat system

We already know that you won't have direct control over your companions and how they use their abilities in combat, although you will be able to issue some commands to them. The reason behind that is that controlling your own character is far more complex in this game as the number of actions and abilities available to you are far greater than in other Dragon Age games. This does not necessarily mean that combat is going to be any less exciting. To prove it, BioWare has released a brand new video that shows the game's combat mechanics at a high level.

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you will be able to specialize your character and customize it by choosing from a wide range of skills, equipment, runes, and passive bonuses. You will also choose which companions join you on every adventure. This allows for endless ways of playing the game. You can choose a specific class and play it more offensively or defensively depending on your choices, and then choose teammates that will support you and cover your weak points for a more balanced party, or even go all out for a more aggressive approach if you want.



The game's combat system emphasizes a type of third-person action-based combat that feels more interactive and engaging. Of course, there is a deep tactical level supported by the use of the classic circle menu which pauses the game to let you issue commands and make choices during combat. However, not having to worry about controlling your teammates allows you to focus on what you are doing and contributes to creating a different type of immersive experience that is more focused on your character than ever. In fact, the combat system is as complex and rewarding as ever if not more, as it allows for interactions between different character's skills to create powerful combos. You can also unleash ultimate attacks with devastating effects as the battle progresses.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard looks as exciting as ever, also when it comes to combat, even though it brings significant changes to the franchise. It may not be your classic Dragon Age game, but it definitely has a lot of potential to become one of the biggest RPG hits this year. As usual, if you want to buy a cheap Dragon Age: The Veilguard digital code, our comparator provides you with the best options.

Aug 28, 2024, 2:26 AM
such high level combat for a linear call of duty game lol
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