Buy World of Warcraft: Legion at the Best Price

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    Choose your side and join millions of players in the latest World of Warcraft expansion! Battle for Azeroth reignites the old conflict between Horde and Alliance and marks the start of an all-out war that will decide the future of Azeroth.

    Welcome to the sixth expansion of the most famous MMORPG. After the events in Warlords of Draenor, Gul'dan has managed to find the tomb of Sargeras in The Broken Isles, where he was imprisoned by Aegwynn, The Guardian of Tirisfal, 10 thousand years ago. Countless demons and followers of The Burning Legion are focused on summoning the Dark Titan back to Azeroth so he can lead them in the conquest and devastation of the world. Heroes from the Horde and the Alliance will have to gather and with the guidance of Archmage Khadgar, master the artifacts of the Titans in an effort to change the destiny of the world. World of Warcraft: Legion arrives full of thrilling features that will make your exploration of the new continent of The Broken Isles a unique and unforgettable experience: Maximum level raises from 100 to 110, with new spells, talents, and skills available, and the opportunity to level up to 100 a character instantly. PvP progress system gets updated with a new honor system that lets you unlock PvP specific talents. Brand new dungeons, raids and world bosses to defeat. Artifacts for each class and specialization, Powerful signature weapons with unique looks that will adapt to the role of your class. Class Halls for each specific class, where you can change the looks of your skills, upgrade your artifacts, start missions and meet your classmates. An improved transmogrification system that will allow you to customize your looks without wasting space in your bags. A new heroic class: The Demon Hunter. Followers of Illidan Tempestira that using their dark powers and chaotic magic have joined the fight against the Burning Legion. They are an agile class with a supernatural perception, able to annihilate anyone that steps in their way. And many more surprises and changes! Do not miss this opportunity to face the Burning Legion in the epicenter of the biggest demonic invasion of all times, and lead yours in the battle for the salvation of Azeroth!

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    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : World of Warcraft

    Best deals for World of Warcraft Legion

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    (*) The best price is currently $20.42. We discovered this product available from 2 vendors supporting Digital Download on PC. The game comes in Standard edition. and 2 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 4 comments already shared.

    Comments on World of Warcraft: Legion

    Jan 4, 2017, 9:51 AM on
    Bonjour, je souhaite participer au jeu concours du 05/01, pour gagner cette clé afin de revivre des aventures épiques en Azeroth !!! Merci!
    Hello, I would like to participate in the contest of 05/01, to win this key to relive epic adventures in Azeroth!!! Thank you!
    Dec 21, 2016, 10:50 PM on
    una pregunta si compro " World of Warcraft: Legion barato " seria compatible con el servidor america y oceania?
    one question if i buy "World of Warcraft: Legion cheap" would it be compatible with america and oceania server?
    Aug 25, 2016, 12:11 PM on
    Je te le confirme Coren, car chez un marchand de clés, le jeu sera dispo a partir du 30 aout, donc on aura notre clé que le 30 aout. Donc impossible d'avoir le sésame et la clé de jeu avant cette date, par contre chez blibli tu auras tout une fois l'achat fais et la maj sera automatique au 30 aout.
    I confirm it to you Coren, because at a key merchant, the game will be available from August 30th, so we will have our key only on August 30th. So impossible to have the sesame and the key of game before this date, on the other hand at blibli you will have all once the purchase made and the maj will be automatic in August 30.
    Jul 17, 2016, 10:10 AM on
    Il semble que si l'on précommande aujourd'hui chez un des marchands de clés, le bonus de précommande (sésame 100) ne soit pas dispo avant la sortie de l'extension (fin août), alors que si l'on précommande chez Blibli, le sésame soit dispo immédiatement. Qqn peut me confirmer cette info svp ?
    It seems that if you pre-order today from one of the key dealers, the pre-order bonus (sesame 100) is not available before the release of the expansion (end of August), while if you pre-order from Blibli, the sesame is available immediately. Can anyone confirm this info please?

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    • Technical information

    • Official website : World of Warcraft Legion
    • Categories : Mmorpg
    • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
    • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
    • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
    • Release date : August 30, 2016
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : XP / Vista / 7
      • CPU : Pentium 4 1.3 GHz, Athlon XP 1500+
      • RAM : 1 GB
      • GPU : GeForce FX, Radeon 9500
      • Storage : 25 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 12
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