It's been a long time since Ubisoft announced Skull and Bones. The pirate-themed game has suffered plenty of changes during development, and the final version of the game will be quite different from the original project. As a result of those changes, the development process has taken longer than expected, but rumor has it that we could be sailing through the sea on our pirate ship very soon.
The release of the game may be imminent since it has been rated by the ERSB board in several countries. The description that appears next to the rating confirms that Skull and Bones will release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Sadia. It also details several aspects of the game related to its content and gameplay.
"This is a naval-combat action game in which players assume the role of a shipwrecked outcast on a journey to become a pirate captain. As players take on missions, they can explore settlements and engage in dramatic sea battles. From a first-person perspective, players command their crew to shoot cannons at rivals (e.g., warships, merchant ships, settlements/forts) in attempts to obtain loot/goods."
The description of the content and the footage that has been revealed to date point to a cool game that would be a new sensation for the fans of all things pirate-related. It will become a fierce competitor for Sea of Thieves, but Ubisoft has not yet confirmed an official release date for Skull and Bones. The fans should not stop hoping for the launch to be really close, as rumor has it that Ubisoft will reveal the reworked version of Skull and Bones next month.
The company's bad financial results may have accelerated the launch of the game in an attempt to catch the attention of the players, who are annoyed by the delays on projects like the rework of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Beyond Good and Evil 2, or Skull and Bones itself. In any case, you can rest assured that you will be able to use our comparator to find the best video game deals and buy Skull and Bones cheap ahead of release.