You better know how to read mangas from the right to the left because Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice manga is soon to come.
This will be the first time for a game to get a manga of its own, although we have seen comic book stories created from other titles like Dark Souls 3 and BloodBorne an official manga series is unheard of.
Just two months after its release and the title has become quite popular. Players enjoy the gameplay but most of them also want to know more about the story in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This reason prompted the Japanese publisher Kadokawa and FromSoftware to create a Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice manga. The story will be a prequel to the game and will be called Sekiro Gaiden: Shinazue Hanbei (Trans: Sekiro Side Story: Hanbei the Undying). The story will focus on Hanbei, the practice character in the Dilapidated Shrine, who can’t die because of the centipedes that have infested the monks of the Sunpou Temple. Hanbei will be in the middle of the Ashina coup and from there, we’ll see his perspective as the story progresses.
The responsible for the art in the manga will be Shin Yamamoto, the same one who created the Monster Hunter manga, and Senkou no Karidou will be supervising the tale. No new details have been disclosed about the narrative, but it is likely that it will feature an encounter between Hanbei and the Sword Saint, Isshi Ashina. FromSoftware is very involved in the production of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice manga.
We still don’t know yet if the manga will be localized in the West, however, it’s good to note that the manga has been licensed by a US publisher, Yen Press. Hopefully, we’d get an English translation. The Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice manga, Sekiro Gaiden: Shinazu Hanbei is expected to be released on May 27th, 2019 in Japan. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is still available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.