After stirring a hornet's nest with a survey about NFT, Blizzard is finally coming up with some good news. The upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft has finally been announced! Shadowlands has left many players with a rather bad aftertaste, and the number of players in the popular MMORPG is not so huge anymore. Still, Dragonflight will arrive to solve all the problems and bring back World of Warcraft to the top, or that's what the fans hope for, at least.
Dragonflight will bring the return of the dragons as they gather once more to defend their ancestral home against a new threat. The expansion will bring a new territory to explore in Azeroth, the Dragon Isles, an ancient land full of secrets and surging with elemental magic. The dragons will seek the help of Horde and Alliance, and many challenging adventures await them in this undiscovered land.
The expansion will add the first-ever playable race-and-class combo to World of Warcraft. The Dracthyr Evokers are dragon-like humanoids that can join the Horde or the Alliance. They have their own starting experience, similar to Death Knights, and can choose between two specializations: Devastation for mid-range claw attacks and fiery breath and Preservation for healing magic.
Dragonfight will be a far bigger expansion, with a vast map. Players will have access to the art of Dragonriding and customizable dragon mounts to soar the skies and explore the new territories.
On the gameplay side, Dragonflight will bring plenty of novelties to the game and make it an experience completely different from the one players went through in Shadowlands.
The talent system will be revamped, with each class having access to two different trees. One is focused on class utility, and the other is focused on your class specialization and role. The new system gives you points to spend every time you level up and opens up a new range of combinations that were not possible before.
The crafting system will be revamped too. Ingredients will have different qualities; specializations will be back, and more.
Of course, the Dragonflight expansion will bring new raids, dungeons, types of enemies, and incredible rewards. The level cap will be increased to 70 too. It features all you could expect from a brand new World of Warcraft expansion, and we hope that it's enough to bring back the game to its proper place.
No release date for the expansion has been confirmed yet, but we are bound to learn much more about it in the coming months. Meanwhile, you can still try your luck against the Jailer and get ready for the upcoming expansion. Your World of Warcraft: Shadowlands PC key is available at the best price on our comparator.