World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is live!

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is live!

The release day for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has finally arrived and thousands of players from all over the world have rushed to the Dragon Isles as soon as the servers were up. The once most-played MMORPG rises from its ashes once more with a new expansion and continues following a cycle that was established several expansions ago. The players that left World of Warcraft for one reason or another return to Azeroth as soon as a new expansion is released despite all of their previous complaints about the game, and Blizzard couldn't be happier about it. 

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight opens up a new story arc and brings a lot of novelties, including a new flying system that reminisces the one in Guild Wars 2, reworked talents and crafting systems, and even a new class, the Drachtyr Evoker. Therefore, it's normal that the World of Warcraft servers have suffered some issues that were blocking players from accessing the expansion, but these have been fixed rather fast with a couple of hotfixes. Long queues and lag on the most populated servers do not have an easy solution though, and things will probably get worse towards the weekend, especially at peak hours. It's worth saying that we have been able to access the game without any problems, which is a much better situation than what we experienced with Shadowlands.



Despite all these minor problems, the launch of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight can be considered a success. It is hard to guess if the expansion will be enough to return World of Warcraft to its previous position as the most-played MMORPG. It's well known that Final Fantasy XIV has a great community and its players are quite faithful to the game, but it's also true that Blizzard has got players used to a sort of rollercoaster trip with World of Warcraft, where players come and go in massive numbers depending on the state of the game.

In any case, if you haven't purchased your copy of the expansion yet, you can buy your World of Warcraft: Dragonflight PC key at the best price with our comparator and start playing today.

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