One of the surprises that was announced yesterday during PlayStation 5 Showcase event was that the remake of Demon's Souls would be "Also available on PC". The announcement came in the form of a short disclaimer that appeared at the end of a video in which we could see the summoning of the protagonist of the game and a bit of gameplay that showed him fighting while clad in heavy plate armor. The images showed him facing a few enemies as he progressed through the corridors of a castle before he had to fight against a huge boss that ultimately got him killed with a massive axe. After the announcement Sony has hastily removed the video from the official channel.
The reason is quite simple. Demon's Souls is supossed to be exclusive to PlayStation 5 and the release on PC announcement seems to be caused by a human error. After the initial disappointment all of this serves only to generate speculation around the possible release of Demon's Souls because, although Sony has stated quite clearly that the game is exclusive to PS5, nothing has been said about if it's a timed exclusive or a permanent one.
Luckily enough and as it usually happens in cases like this one, the footage of Demon's Souls is still available on other channels, and you can watch it and judge by yourself thanks to IGN.
The only thing that is sure about Demon's Souls is that the remake of From Software's action adventure looks increadible on PS5 and that the game that gave birth to Dark Souls will be a must-have for the fans of the series. Anyway, do not discard the possibility of playing Demon's Souls on PC in the future.