Conan Exiles will have mounted combat

Conan Exiles will have mounted combat

Fighting on horseback is something that definitely fits a game based on the mythology created by Robert E. Howard. In the novels, the comics, and the films, we are used to finding warriors riding horses and charging into combat wielding melee weapons. If Conan Exiles wants to represent combat during the Hyborian Age in the best possible way, mounted combat is something that is definitely a must-have. Considering that it's also a feature that players have been asking for since the game was released, it's about time that Funcom would address their demands and add this feature to the game.

In a survival game like Conan Exiles, mounts will be a very important feature. Apart from letting you navigate through the Exiled Lands much faster, saving your time and resources, not having to get off your horse to defend yourself from attackers can save you from potential surprise attacks. On the other side, it will also allow you to perform devastating lightning strikes against your enemies, adding a new strategic dimension to the combat in Conan Exiles.

Mounted combat will be added to Conan Exiles in a free update that will arrive later this year. We assume that the developers are giving the final touches to the system but as you can see in the following video from the TwitchCon published on Twitter, it seems to be in quite an advanced state so far.

Nothing has been revealed about the cost of the mounts in the game or the way of getting them so we may have to wait until December to see what happens with those. We do not know yet if there will be other types of mounts apart from horses in Conan Exiles but it could be possible considering the lore.

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