Star Wars: Squadrons is going to leave aside lightsabers, Jedis, and Sith to focus on a completely different aspect of the conflict between evil and good that drives the popular sci-fi franchise. The game will take the fight to space and it will give us a new perspective of the war between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire by allowing us to choose a side and pilot our own starfighter. We will take part in multiplayer dogfights through the galaxy just by sitting in the cockpit of our ship and enjoying it all in the first-person view. Of course, Star Wars: Squadrons will include several gameplay modes and Electronic Arts has just released a new video that serves as introduction for one of the two parts of the main campaign in the game, in this case, the one that you will experience if you decide to join the Galactic Empire.
Although the video does not really show Star Wars: Squadrons gameplay, it sets the mood for the epic adventure that you will live as you progress through the campaign. It follows the story of Valko Grey, a lone TIE Interceptor pilot which is left behind after an assault to the dockyards of Var-Shaa by the forces of the New Republic. It seems that Star Wars: Squadrons doesn't really focus that much in the Good vs. Evil concept of the license and allows us to immerse in the joys of space combat without having to consider that kind of things.
Of course, the video is just a cinematic introduction to the story and Star Wars: Squadrons will be all about pilotting your starfighter. Whether you choose the New Republic or the Galactic Empire you will have several types of ships at your disposal and you will be able to customize them to adapt to every mission.
Although Star Wars: Squadrons is not the first game of this type in the franchise, it's definitely the one that looks better and you will be able to play it soon as its release is scheduled for October 2 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.