Despite having many detractors, World of Warcraft remains the most populated MMORPG and, therefore, the launch of its upcoming expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, is an event eagerly awaited by a lot of players. Shadowlands will allow players to explore a new world that was hidden behind the veil and that gives names to the expansion. Sylvanas was responsible for revealing it at the end of Battle for Azeroth after destroying the Lich King's crown, and since that happened, Blizzard has flooded us with information about the features that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will add to the game. Many players are already giving those a try during the official closed beta, but very important information about the expansion was missing until yesterday, and it's the release date of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
The launch of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is scheduled for October 26-27 depending on what part of the world you live in. You can find out the exact release time for your region in the map below.
About the contents in this expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is going to have quite an impact on several gameplay aspects. It will change the leveling system by reducing the number of levels to 50 and the process to get the maximum level will be about 60% faster overall. Also, the experience bonuses provided by Heirlooms will be removed and changed into other useful bonuses. So if you want to start over with a new character in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands you may as well level it up now that those bonuses are in place.
Other than adding plenty of other changes that you can check visiting the official World of Warcraft: Shadowlands website, the expansion will allow players to explore the otherworld, the place where souls go after death, and they will discover that it's populated by the members of four different factions, the Covenants. Players will be able to join them to gain new powers. Aligning with the Covenants to restore the broken balance in the Shadowlands is the main theme of the expansion but we are sure that Blizzard has prepared a story full of twists and surprises for the players as they progress through the game.