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Void Bastards and Yooka-Laylee are free on PC

Void Bastards and Yooka-Laylee are free on PC

Two years ago, Epic Games started regularly offering free games to all players via their digital distribution platform on PC. These range from indie games to AAA titles, including hits like A Plague Tale: Innocence, which was available recently. This week, both Void Bastards and Yooka-Laylee can take a spot in your video game library if you like.

Void Bastards is a single-player strategic shooter that sweeps away the clichés of the genre. In this game, you don't just have to shoot everything that moves; you have to make sure that the atypical Void Bastards team can escape from the nebula called Sargasso. But to do this, you'll need to use your wits and strategy to plan each mission carefully. You play as a convict who must explore abandoned spaceships to find your way out of the nebula. You'll encounter enemies along the way, but you can also collect resources to upgrade your weapons and create various useful and wacky gadgets. And if you die, don't worry; you can play with a whole host of different prisoners and keep your items.


Yooka-Laylee is a platform game similar to Banjo-Kazooie. It even claims to be its spiritual sequel. You play as two characters, Yooka the chameleon and Laylee the bat, and navigate across several worlds represented on a board in the manner of Super Mario 64. In Yooka-Laylee, our two sidekicks are trying to stop Capital B from turning books into money. Throughout the game's levels, Yooka and Laylee will meet a colorful cast of characters, solve puzzles and earn treasures to unlock new worlds.



Void Bastards and Yooka-Laylee offer two completely different experiences, and you can add them to your library in just a few clicks without spending a dime simply by visiting the Epic Games Store.

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