The latest FIFA 20 update is already available on PC

The latest FIFA 20 update is already available on PC

EA is hurrying up with the latest update for FIFA 20. It was announced yesterday on the official forums by EA community manager EA_ GZaro and PC players can already download it and apply a multitude of changes to the game. It seems that it follows the shadow of Update 4 and likewise, it comes with plenty of general gameplay changes focused on making the experience a bit more smoother. Other than changes to defensive tactics and long shots, players are now allowed to select the Direct Free Kick camera in more situations for a better view, and Penalty Kiks won't be so easy on Legendary and Ultimate difficulties since goalkeepers will not give away the direction of their dive anymore.

Along with the general gameplay changes, Update 5 also comes with fixes to many issues in all modes, including the addition of 35 new star heads whose resemblance to the respective football player was almost inexistent. This is the case of Franck Ribéry, for example, that even complained on Twitter about this fact. It's worthy of mention that the people in charge of Pro Evolution Soccer social media were fast enough to take advantage of this situation and posted a response showing that their Franck Ribéry looks much closer to the real one in PES 2020.

It's hard to understand how a development team that invests so much effort in recreating football physics, even using motion capture and other very advanced methods can fail in such a blatantly obvious way when it comes to the faces of the players. But at least it´s already fixed for most of them and we are not going to have to wait for a couple of weeks longer, as it happens with the bugs of WWE 2K20.

If you want to take a look at the complete patch notes for FIFA 20 Update 5 you can read this post on the official FIFA forums. Remember that if you play on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 you will have to wait a bit longer to see these changes applied.

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