It seems that Shenmue III is finally leaving behind all the drama that the exclusive deal the developers have with Epic Games caused. Sadly enough, most of the information regarding the third installment of the famous saga has been centered on that matter during the last few months. Shenmue III was one of the first games that suffered from the conflict between Valve and Epic Games, and things got worse because the game was originally intended to be published on Steam; therefore, some backers that helped crowdfunding it felt betrayed. Now that Ys Net has offered refunds to the backers that were upset with the game not launching on Steam it seems that we can finally move ahead towards the highly anticipated release of the game.
With only a few days remaining until Shenmue III is finally available, the official launch trailer of the game has been published.
It's not surprising that the launch of Shenmue III creates such excitement among the followers of the series. After all, the story of Ryo Hazuki started in 1999 and the creator of the series Yu Suzuki has taken eighteen years to come up with the third chapter. Even though the development time has been shorter than that, it's undeniable that the story of Shenmue III is compelling enough to have fans waiting for such a long time and even get their help to fund its creation, eventually becoming the most-backed game ever on Kickstarter.
What's to be expected from Shenmue III when it launches? Well, as you can gather from the footage released so far and the previous chapters of Shenmue, the game will be a melodramatic adventure, full of action and featuring beautiful visuals. Ryo Hazuki will travel to the mountains in China to continue searching for the murderer of his father.
The release of Shenmue III is scheduled for November 19 on PC and PlayStation 4. You can find the best prices to purchase it through our comparator.