PS Store leaks the release date of Deathloop

PS Store leaks the release date of Deathloop

First revealed at E3 2019 with a trailer reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino's films, Deathloop was originally slated for release later this year.

This launch window was unveiled last June, along with Deathloop's gameplay at Sony's Playstation 5 Games Conference, one of the many online events that were held last summer. But we learned later that the game would finally be postponed. The cause was the added difficulty of developing Deathloop remotely due to the COVID pandemic. Arkane, however, did not announce a specific date and indicated that the game would finally be released in the second quarter of 2021.

Fortunately, we have more information today thanks to Playstation Store. The release date of Deathloop has been leaked on the New Zealand PS Store, where it showed as available on May 21, 2021. Although the info is coming neither from Arkane nor Bethesda, the PS Store is a relatively reliable source, so the date is unlikely to be wrong.



In addition, we learned that Deathloop will have a Deluxe Edition and that it will include the following bonuses in addition to the basic game:

  • Unique weapon: Gravedigger Transtar
  • Unique weapon: Anti-wealth Tribunal
  • Unique weapon: .44 karat cannon
  • Trouble-Party appearance for Colt
  • Femme fatale appearance for Julianna
  • Two charms (on-equip effects)
  • Game soundtrack

Therefore, we will finally be able to play the next game from the creators of the Dishonored series in Spring next year. Deathloop is an action-adventure game featuring Colt, an assassin who is stuck in a time loop on Blackreef Island. To break the loop and escape, he will have to kill eight targets in one day, If he fails to do so, the day resets and he has to try from the start. He will keep his knowledge of the previous attempts, but he is also the target of Julianna Blake, another assassin that wishes to maintain the integrity of the loop and will not hesitate to kill him.

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