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We Happy Few post-launch content announced

We Happy Few post-launch content announced

Compulsion Games has revealed details about the content that will be added to We Happy Few after release, including Season Pass and more. The Season Pass is already in the works, and it will see the light sometime after launch. Right now, it´s only available as part of the We Happy Few Deluxe Edition and it comes with three different stories to expand your experience in Wellington Wells:

Roger & James in: They Came From Below! Precocious Roger and Impetuous James set off in search of adventure and love, only to uncover bizarre technology and a terrifying new threat. All is not as it seems. Or is it exactly as it seems?

Lightbearer Heartthrob, artist, and personal trainwreck, Nick Lightbearer is Wellington Wells’ most celebrated rock star—but what truly makes him tick? Tune in to Uncle Jack’s late show to find out.

We All Fall Down Much like any well-worn happy mask, all societies develop cracks in their veneer. But that doesn’t mean you should go digging up dirt from the past. Right? *pops a Joy pill* Right!  



But before the Season Pass comes in to play we will see another interesting addition to the game. The first piece of content added to We Happy Few will be a Sandbox Mode and it will be free to everyone that owns the game as a DLC. On it, you will be able to fully customize the game world, adjusting it to your liking and modifying aspects that include size, number of Wellies, level of danger, availability of the resources and even some gameplay rules. But not only that, you will even be able to play as a Wellie yourself!

We Happy Few has been on Steam Early access since July 26th, 2016, and it will release on August 10 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It´s a psychological horror adventure where you find yourself trapped in a very particular town. The inhabitants of the place live under the effects of Joy, a hallucinogen drug that makes them forget unhappy memories, but that also has the nasty side effect of removing their ability to recognize moral consequences, what leads to a society that forcefully imposes the use of the drug to everyone, even if they don't want. But it´s just for their own good, you know :)  

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