After wreaking havoc on PC with its craziness and unprecedented level of caprine destruction with Goat Simulator, the guys of Coffee Stain Studios have done it again with its sequel. Goat Simulator 3, (yes, three, the second one got lost somewhere in the middle), was released recently and it brings a renewed experience with additional ways of creating mayhem on a peaceful island. Not only do you have a whole island to explore as you please, but you can also customize your goat, disrespect everyone, gather collectibles, take part in mini-games, and even share the fun with others in multiplayer mode. After watching what a single goat was capable of in Goat Simulator you can imagine what a group of them can achieve in Goat Simulator 3.
Developer Coffee Stain wants to take the new game even further than its predecessor and has launched a free update for Goat Simulator 3. The Free Holiday Update includes multiple festive items to customize your weapon of mass destruction, err, I mean harmless goat. This Holiday will be unforgettable in San Agora! You can disguise as an elf and terrorize unsuspecting citizens by packing them into gift boxes, throwing snowman heads at them, and even electrocuting them with Christmas light strings. It's all much better if you have the help of some friends, of course.
Let your imagination fly and look for new and festive ways of spoiling the holidays for everyone who is not a goat in this unique sandbox simulator. Goat Simulator 3 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox one. Of course, you can visit our comparator to find out the best prices to buy your Goat Simulator 3 code if you want to have some fun with your goat friends.