Gears 5 will introduce Operations as post-launch content

Gears 5 will introduce Operations as post-launch content

The release date of Gears 5 is almost here, and even though we have already seen quite a lot of the new features that the game will have at launch, many of us were wondering about its longevity. There are some people that are not really into multiplayer modes and once they finish the main campaign they feel like if it was game over for them. The latest video in Gears 5 Youtube channel introduces what will be the developers' way of expanding the game content after launch: Operations.

Operations will be content drops for Gears 5 that will come out every three months. They will be updates that will add new gameplay modes, maps, characters, customization options, and more. With them, the game will turn into a sort of live-service that will continue steadily supplying content for the players.

Along with the new content, each new Operation will refresh the Gears 5’s Tour of Duty, which is a sort of Battle Pass that includes a series of limited-time challenges, achievements, and objectives that will allow players to unlock seasonal content in the form of weapon skins, executions, emotes and other cosmetic items. Keep in mind that the Tour of Duty will take into account all gameplay modes, not only multiplayer ones, so if you are one of those that prefer to avoid PvP you will still be getting rewards. All these additions will contribute to keeping the game fresh, and the best thing of all is that you won't have to pay extra for them: Operations will be free for all the players that own Gears 5 and the first one will start as soon as the game is released.

Those that enjoy the competitive side of things will be glad to know that there will also be Masters and Seasonal leaderboards that will allow you to measure your achievements and compare them with the ones of other players from all over the world.

If you have bought the Gears 5 Ultimate Edition you can enjoy the game starting tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be available September 10 on PC and Xbox One.

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