After the sad news of Carrie Fisher's tragic passing hit us, many players requested an in-game memorial for the actress. Fortunately, Executive Producer Michael Brookes has confirmed the creation of Fisher's Rest, an outpost that will be put in place in the 2.3 release. The actress, comedian, writer, and activist was one of the most beloved characters of the original Star Wars movies series. Her charm and wit made her successful even after the trilogy and had recently just finished to film the last one in the new set of movies. There is no news yet on how this will affect the movies that still are to be filmed.
This is not the first time that the developers of the game do something like this either, as in 2015 something similar happened when players petitioned to have a memorial for Leonard Nimoy, and Elite: Dangerous then created the Vulcan planet and a Leonard Nimoy Station.
There have been other games that have asked for similar memorials, like Star Wars: The Old Republic, but if you follow their story line, it is highly unlikely this will happen. The game is set thousands of years prior to the time of birth of Princess Leia so it would not suit the game's timeline to include a statue in Carrie Fisher's honor.