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The Foundation will expand the content in Control this month

The Foundation will expand the content in Control this month

It's been a while since Remedy revealed its plans for Control. When they published the roadmap for 2020 it was quite clear that they intended to expand the features available in the game as well as giving players more pieces of the story to explore. Control is already an exciting adventure where you will face paranormal threats as Jesse Faden, but the unpredictability of some parts of the Oldest House and its connection to different dimensions opens the door to a plethora of opportunities. After adding the to the game the Expeditions in December, which allowed us to explore the Formation to help Security Chief Arish, the developers are taking advantage of said opportunities in the new DLC for Control, the Foundation.



Control's Roadmap


Not much has revealed about The Foundation, but we know that it will allow us to explore the deepest parts of the Oldest House. A teaser has been published on Control's Twitter account, and it allows us to take a glimpse at what awaits us in the new DLC. Everything indicates that Jesse Faden will continue her search for the former Federal Bureau of Control's head of operations, Helen Marshall, whose disappearance caused that Jesse accidentally ended occupying her spot. We don't know any details about what kind of dangers Jesse will have to face in The Foundation, but we expect that she will learn more about the story of the Oldest House.



The Foundation will delve into the history of the Oldest House. At the request of the ever-mysterious Board, Jesse must explore what lies beneath the Bureau as she returns order to the Foundation and the Oldest House itself. Expect things to get weird.

The Foundation is included in Control's Season Pass but you can also purchase it separately. Its release is scheduled for March 26 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the Epic Games Store. As usual, you can find the best prices to buy Control in our comparator.


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