When you play Mafia games you are not really focusing on their graphics. The story and atmosphere of the games are so intense that you usually immerse yourself quite deep into the life of Tommy Angelo as he progressively gets dragged into the criminal world of the mob organizations in 1930. Although the action in Mafia games is usually enough to get you hooked it's also great that the series has received a graphics overhaul, especially in Mafia: Definitive Edition. The game was announced a while ago but now we can watch its gameplay for the first time in a video courtesy of IGN, and we have to say that it looks definitely much better in 4k than the original game from 2002, proving that this new version is more of a complete remake than just a graphic retouch.
Hangar 13 has used a new engine to make Mafia: Definitive Edition and the music score in the game is brand new too. There's also some changes on the gameplay side, especially regarding the vehicles available, which now include motorcycles, and the driving model, which now gives players more freedom. Also, as a bonus, if you buy Mafia: Definitive Edition you will unlock Tommy Angelo's suit and cab in Mafia II: Definitive Edition and Mafia III: Definitive Edition. Likewise, if you own each of the last two games you will unlock extra content on the others too, including Vito Scarletta's jacket and his Schubert Frigate sports car as well as Lincoln Clay's jacket and his car.
As announced in May along with the game, if you already own Mafia II or Mafia III on Steam, they will be upgraded to their respective definitive edition versions. That will not happen with Mafia and Mafia: Definitive Edition since the new game has pretty much been remade from scratch. But there is a Mafia Trilogy bundle on the way, and if you are new to the franchise it will be your best option to experiment all the franchise has to offer.
Mafia: Definitive Edition will be available on September 25th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.