It's probably been the most anticipated launch of a videogame in the recent years, something that it's quite remarkable if you consider that World of Warcraft Classic is not even a new game per se. Despite Blizzard's efforts to offer the best possible experience since the servers opened on August 26, a majority of players have had to experience long queues in during the first few days. It specially happened when trying to play in the most populated PvP servers.
In a last attempt to smooth things out for the players in World of Warcraft Classic a series of free server moves were offered during last week but the majority of the players seems to be quite stubborn when it comes to their preferred servers. Fortunately, things seem to have calmed down quite a bit and you hardly ever find a queue now on most of the servers, and you will only have to wait to play on the most popular ones like Shazzrah. Those are very short queues tho, and nothing close to the 80.000+ people in line that we could see in the first few days after launch.
Queues are not the only issues that players have been facing in World of Warcraft Classic. During the weekend, US WoW Classic servers have been suffering a series of DDoS attacks that resulted in stability problems, disconnections, and login issues for many players. Blizzard's customer service explained the situation on Twitter and the servers have been taken down for a maintenance, what will hopefully solve those problems.
Some online services continue to be impacted by a series of DDoS attacks which are resulting in high latency and disconnections. These disruption effects have been felt by a portion of our players, impacting their gaming experience. Thank you again for your continued patience.
— Blizzard CS - The Americas (@BlizzardCS) September 7, 2019
Being in the spotlight because of your popularity can sometimes be not such a good thing, but considering the ludicrous amount of players that have decided to return to Azeroth and play World of Warcraft Classic those problems will hardly be an issue the fans.
On the other hand, it's also possible that the number of players has finally reached some stability. After all, World of Warcraft Classic is quite a different experience if you compare it to playing on the normal servers, so it's quite possible that there is a number of younger players that are not so much into MMORPGs like they were 15 years ago.
In terms of the amount of time needed to play, World of Warcraft was quite less demanding than other games of the genre when it was released. Over the years, it has evolved into a game where you hardly need to socially interact with other people to play, and that puts everything within your reach. Going back to the time when things were harder and demanded more of your time may not be everyone's cup of tea, but World of Warcraft Classic definitely has brought many people back from retirement and finding out the reasons why those players left the game is something that developers may need to consider.