Tell Me Why is completely free this month

Tell Me Why is completely free this month

Not all video games have to be adventures full of action. sometimes you can have a very good time by playing a narrative adventure with a deep storyline and that is exactly what developer Dontnod offers in most of its games. When it comes to Tell Me Why, the french studio made it stand out for several reasons. This episodic adventure puts you in the shoes of a pair of twins, Tyler and Alison Ronan, who are able to communicate telepathically with each other. They took separate paths in life and left their hometown quite a few years ago, but the death of their mother will bring them back together again. As they meet in their old home, they will embark on a journey about memories and discovery that will explore their childhood traumas.



The narrative in Tell Me Why is deep and well built, but there are a couple of very important factors that make it stand out. The game is the first AAA video game to feature a transgender character as one of its main characters. The game does a good job handling transgender topics and it has been well received by the community. As June is Pride Month, developer Dontnod has announced that Tell Me Why will be available for free on Xbox, Windows 10, and Steam throughout this month. Downloading the game on any of those platforms will give you access to the full game permanently.


Since Tell Me Why’s release late last summer, the team at DONTNOD and Xbox Game Studios Publishing have been humbled by and deeply grateful for the many gamers – especially trans and queer gamers – who have found understanding and hope in our game. We’ve received heartfelt messages from players all over the world about how Tyler’s homecoming as a trans man and Alyson’s struggle with trauma have impacted them, encouraged them, or made them feel a little less alone, especially amid the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic and pervasive transphobic rhetoric in places like the United States and the United Kingdom.


By making Tell Me Why free, Dontnod aims both to allow even more people to access the game and to encourage our players to spend their money in places that will directly affect trans and queer communities

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