Many of you probably have experienced already the amazing feeling of being able to explore the depths of the sea in Subnautica. Therefore, you will be delighted to know that Unknown World Entertainment is working on a standalone expansion for their subaquatic exploration title. Subnautica Below Zero will change the scope of your underwater adventures by moving to a new scenario. You will leave the warm waters you are used to and switch to a much colder territory. But do not be mistaken, this deep-frozen place is amazingly full of wildlife, and you will get to live a whole new type of adventure discovering everything it has to offer.
There has not been much info about Subnautica Below Zero, but this week the game has finally started its journey through Steam's Early Access, and the developers have published a trailer where we can take a peek at the wide variety of forms of life that we will meet during our explorations.
This time you will be at the planet 4546B in the role of a scientist tasked with the recovery of alien artifacts. Your adventure starts when the Vesper space station that orbits the planet and provides you will all the supplies needed to survive and do your work down on de surface suffers a problem, and your supply line gets cut leaving you alone in an unexplored planet where you will have to find the means to survive. Exploring this frozen place will be just the tip of the iceberg in your adventure as you will discover a fantastic world full of strange lifeforms both below and above the surface of the ocean.
As you can imagine, Subnautica Below Zero doesn´t have a launch date yet, but if you are willing to give it a try already, Early Access is the place to go. Keep in mind that the game is still under development, so it will probably be full of bugs and unfinished features. As usual, once it´s finished, you can check for the best price for it at our comparator.