Microsoft revealed the new features that are coming to Xbox Insiders and likely Xbox One users in the near future. Xbox has been around for a long time and no major changes have been added to its system yet. However, there has been a considerable number of fixes made to assure Xbox users will have a better playing experience. Microsoft is aiming to provide quality play for its users and decided to address the feedback and complaints that they've been getting. You can check the new features coming this Spring right below. Changes coming to Xbox Insiders According to Microsoft, users will now able to access quest programs easily and browse all their quests from My Profile. Aside from streamlining Xbox Game Pass Quests, Microsoft is also streamlining the messages by adding a Message Request feature so that user can add and see their friends’ messages and ignore messages from people they don’t know.
The difficulty of using the virtual keyboard will be addressed in the new Xbox as they are testing out a mini virtual keyboard option that allows faster typing without taking up much space. Another change is the addition of an option to restart the console in the Power Center. You can access this by quickly pressing down the Xbox button on the controller to bring out the Power Center. You no longer have to navigate within the system tab to restart your console.
Next thing is the way in which you uninstall games when you need more space. As for now, you get rid of games by going to your collection and then choosing the game you want to remove. But in the new Xbox feature, you will be sent to a page with suggested titles that you can uninstall. Once selected the installation you have previously chosen will start automatically. Last but certainly one of the best additions is that Microsoft announced that they will update the Xbox media remote so that users can put it in their favorite media app and jump to it directly. All these features will soon be available to Xbox Insiders users and maybe, after some tweaking, they will also be available for Xbox One users.
Summary of Changes