Ninja Theory should have its hands full right now with the development of Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 and Bleeding Edge, which are to be released in 2020. But it seems that Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice has given them enough momentum to take on multiple projects without compromising the release of these.
They have just announced that they are already working on the development of another video game, which is called Project Mara. They have revealed it in a new video where Tameem Antoniades, co-founder of Ninja Theory, reviews the state of the projects they are developing right now, which you can watch below.
According to the British studio, Project Mara is an experimental game that will recreate the horror of the mind as accurately and realistically as possible based on first-hand accounts and in-depth research.
Ninja Theory already had a very successful approach to the experiences of the human mind in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. The interaction of the protagonist of the game with her own psychosis, inner demons, and hallucinations, gives the story a depth and realism that couldn't have been reached without that. If you removed Senua from the game, we would be probably talking about just another action game, since she is the backbone that gives shape to the story and makes it so interesting.
It is, therefore, logical, that Ninja Theory wants to delve deeper into human experiences. Even though they are moving away from the mythology in Project Mara they still want the experience in the game to be truly immersive and they aim to create a new type of narrative.
Despite a rather unusual and mature approach to storytelling in some of their games, which could be deemed as too deep for some people, Ninja Theory games are gaining more and more adepts every day. If you have not tried any of their games yet, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is definitely a good starting point. It will leave you wanting for more, and you will get what you need when Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is released later this year.