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Hearthstone’s new expansion is all about dragons

Hearthstone’s new expansion is all about dragons

Hearthstone players have been asking for an expansion focused on dragons for a while, and Blizzard couldn't be happier to satisfy their demands. Last weekend's announcement of Descent of Dragons during the BlizzCon 2019 has served to reveal some of the new cards and mechanics that this expansion is bringing, along with a new gameplay mode that reminds us of AutoChess.



Descent of Dragons will continue the story of the League of E.V.I.L. Our favorite group of villains is now focused on awakening the dragon Galakrond. This fact is reflected in the addition of its card, which will be given for free to all players when the expansion launches. It will have a hero power associated with each class, which will trigger every time you play a card with the keyword "Invoke".

Galakrond will only be available to the E.V.I.L. classes - Warlock, Rogue, Priest, Warrior, and Shaman - but there are also other types of cards that will help the rest of the classes in HearthStone. Those are the Side Missions, that are similar to the missions we have seen in the past but require fewer steps to activate and have useful but less powerful effects.

Apart from the new cards and mechanics, Descent of Dragons is also binging the new Battlegrounds mode to the game. It's a multiplayer mode for eight players where you will choose an iconic character of World of Warcraft lore to fight against other players with an army of minions that you will recruit through the game.



If you want to know more about Descent of Dragons, its new mechanics, and cards, you can visit the official Hearthstone website, which will be actualized with the new ones as they are revealed. Descent of Dragons will be available globally on December 10th, but if you want to give a try to the Battlegrounds mode a bit earlier, there is an open beta that will launch on November 12th.

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