A few days ago rumors about a new game with the title of Far Cry Primal started, but Ubisoft never confirmed if it was a compilation pack of the old Far Cry series or something else. Today, after teasing pictures of a caveman painting on a rock wall for a few hours on their youtube channel, they have officially announced the release of a new action game, trailer included.
Far Cry Primal – Official Reveal Trailer
Quite surprisingly Ubisoft seems to be reinventing the series and takes the action thousands of years back in time, going to the roots of humans fighting for survival during Stone Age. It's a bit of a drastic change indeed: no guns, no rockets, no evil dictator to fight against... “Far Cry usually puts you at the edge of the known world, in a beautiful, lawless, and savage frontier. The Stone Age is, in a way, the very first frontier for humankind; it’s the time when humans put a stick in the ground and claimed land for their own, the time when we started climbing the food chain. That came with conflict, against other humans of course, but also against nature itself," says Far Cry Primal creative director, Jean-Christophe Guyot. Players will play as Takkar, the last surviving member of a hunting group that arrives in an area called Oros with the only goal of survival. "They will meet a cast of memorable characters who will help them push back and tame the dangers of the wild. Players will journey as the first human to tame the wilderness and rise above extinction. Along the way, they will have to craft weapons and tools partly from the bones of slain beasts, hunt for food, master fire, fend off fierce predators and face off against other tribes to conquer Oros," Ubisoft explains. We don't know if this kind of change in the franchise is what the fans were looking for, but Ubisoft Montreal seems to be quite confident about its possibilities. We hope that they are not wrong and that this new game will be at least as good as Far Cry 4. It's been already confirmed that Far Cry Primal is scheduled for launch on 23 February 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with a release for PC about a month later.