Come early April, the Launcher will be no more. Bethesda has announced that it is retiring its launcher and moving all its games back to Steam.
Players who own Bethesda games need not worry—all their purchased games will still be available to download for free on Steam. You may also migrate your Wallet to the platform.
According to Bethesda:
“You will not lose anything from your account. Many games will also have their saves migrated, with a few requiring some manual transfers. For games that require it, you will still use your login to sign in to play. Your account will not be lost and will still be accessible on our website and in-game, and we will continue supporting all accounts with our future titles.”
Bethesda noted that almost all saves should be able to transfer manually or automatically, except for Wolfenstein: Youngblood, which currently cannot be transferred. users will still be able to access and use the Launcher till May. After that, the Launcher will no longer be available. Come April, Bethesda will provide instructions on how to start the migration process and you can perform the migration at any time afterward. We will describe the steps for doing this once it becomes available.
For more information, you can check out the Bethesda Launcher FAQ page.