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Apex Legends attracted 2.5 Million Players in 24 hours

Apex Legends attracted 2.5 Million Players in 24 hours

Respawn was quick to announce Apex Legends' colossal success a few hours after the launch. EA confirmed the news that many players excitedly jumped in on the new battle royale on the day of its release. With Apex Legends' launch, EA is now on top in terms of peak and concurrent viewers on Twitch. It’s safe to say that Apex Legends is off to a very solid start.

Announcing and releasing the game on the same day was a good call for both Respawn and EA. It was even more exciting for the players when they got the chance to play it right after it was revealed to the public. According to EA’s CEO Andrew Wilson in a conference call with investors (Transcript source: Yahoo Finance) that this launch was by far the biggest reveal ever made on Twitch.



Furthermore, Wilson said:

“In the first 24 hours, we’ve had over 2.5 million unique users, training fast forward 3 million unique users, and nearly 600,000 peak and current users in the middle of a Tuesday, so it’s very early, but the response to the game has been very, very strong.”


The surprise launch ultimately became the catalyst of the game’s impressive number of players. As of now, it will be interesting to see whether people are in it for the long haul, maybe making the game a firm candidate to give Fortnite a run for its money, or just there because it seems like everybody is playing it. If you haven’t checked it out yet, then you better rush it. Apex Legends is now available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.  

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