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Overwatch launches a test mode today

Overwatch launches a test mode today

We have already seen testing modes in other games like PUBG and now Blizzard is going to implement such a feature in its competitive first-person shooter. Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan has announced that the game is getting the new Experimental Card mode starting today. It will allow players to test upcoming changes before they are implemented on live servers. It's pretty much like a public test server but it has a is a distinct feature that makes it different from other similar servers: it's available to all players that own the game regardless of what platform they are using to play Overwatch.



It's quite clear that the changes and different gameplay modes that players will be able to experience in Overwatch's Experimental Card mode may or may not become a permanent feature of the game. It usually happens that developers put a lot of effort and time into creating certain features that once implemented are disliked by the players. If you give players the opportunity to test upcoming features beforehand you will be getting quite valuable feedback.

We have already seen Blizzard making drastic changes to Overwatch last summer when they addressed the predominant GOATS gameplay by enforcing a 2-2-2 queue. The first change that players are going to try in Experimental Card mode will be a triple damage queue, where teams will be composed of three damage dealers, two support and one tank. Obviously, this type of team composition will require completely different strategies from the players and it may happen that it's even more fun than what they are experiencing now. 

Whether that is the case or not, Experimental Card mode is available in Overwatch starting today and if you are playing the game you should give it a try and voice your opinion out.


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